Cybertigers: Girls’ Motivation and Achievements in Cybersecurity Studies (78389)

Session Information: Education and Gender
Session Chair: Iiris Tuvi

Sunday, 16 June 2024 12:15
Session: Session 2
Room: Salle 269
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 2 (Europe/Paris)

Cybersecurity study programs often face challenges in including females. This research aimed to analyze variables that could motivate girls in the CTF Cyberacademy for Girls. The organizers implemented motivational techniques based on variables previously identified in scientific studies as effective in enhancing women's inclusion in the cybersecurity field. The study found that most of these known variables significantly motivated the Cyberacademy participants. The variables examined included academic (organizational aspects of the program), sociocultural (perception of social and cultural elements), and psychological factors (e.g motivation levels before and after the program). The impact of these variables was compared between two groups: those who graduated and those who did not. Interestingly, the motivating factors at the program's start did not distinguish between the two groups. However, three academic variables—the fast-paced nature of studies, the chance to undertake a final exam, and extended intervals between study sessions—were particularly motivating for graduates and less so for non-graduates. Similarly, one sociocultural variable, frequent communication with lecturers, and two psychological variables, the ability to study at one's own pace and increased confidence in active participation in cybersecurity, were significantly motivating for graduates. In summary, this program and other cybersecurity study programs could potentially reduce dropout rates by decreasing academic demands and enhancing the community feel and accessibility of lecturer support.

Iiris Tuvi, University of Tartu, Estonia

About the Presenter(s)
Dr. Iiris Tuvi is an experienced research fellow in digital experiences of youth, children's mental health and visual attention. Current projects focus on girls' motivation to study cybersecurity, children’s mental health and digital experiences.

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Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00