An Online Educational Framework for Teaching Listening & Speaking Skills to English Language Learners (79366)

Session Information: Online & Distance Learning
Session Chair: Stephen Peridore

Saturday, 15 June 2024 15:35
Session: Session 4
Room: Salle 232
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 2 (Europe/Paris)

The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate how the development and teaching of online college-level English-as-a-Second language (ESL) listening and speaking skills are a viable, logical, progressive, and efficient endeavor. Those interested in developing and/or teaching online ESL listening and speaking courses will learn how to effectively integrate and organize a learning management system (LMS) with cutting-edge Web 2.0 tools to make online listening and speaking courses user-friendly and interactive through the use of video, voice, and discussion boards, synchronous online conferencing tools with breakout rooms, online tutorials, innovative third party software, and online assignments and assessment tools, all of which effectively promote the acquisition of both English listening and speaking skills. Doing so will allow teachers to engage students by adapting teaching methodologies that are proven effective in traditional classrooms and applying them to the online environment, which simultaneously promote both listening and speaking skills and E-literacy, so students can function and compete, not only in home, work, and academic environments, but also in the ever-changing digital age. Moreover, teaching ESL listening and speaking courses online means more flexibility for students with competing home and workplace responsibilities and a much more tailored curriculum in a less threatening environment. Finally, a comparative analysis of a pre-test administered during the first week of class and a post-test administered during final exam week indicates that that the vast majority of students experienced significant gain scores, which further validates the argument that ESL listening and speaking skills can be effectively taught online.

Stephen Peridore, College of Southern Nevada, United States
Veronica McVoy, College of Southern Nevada, United States

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00