A Comparative Analysis of Public Policies for Professional Education: Brazil and France (79441)

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Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type:Virtual Presentation

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The purpose of the article is to compare professional educational policies, the structuring of the system for professional training and the restructuring of the educational environment in Brazil and France. Macrosocial changes and globalized scientific-technological innovations developed over the years in both countries strengthen education in an integrated way. To develop this scientific work, we adopted a bibliographical, exploratory, qualitative research on scientific research websites. In the bibliographical research, French authors were found such as: Bodé (1995), Bodé and Rico Gómes (2014), Brucy (2005), Brucy and Troger (2000), Grignon (1989), Lembré (2016), Léon (1968), Tanguy (2000, 2013), Troger and Pelpel (1993). Regarding professional education in Brazil, the following authors were found: Fonseca (1961), Ciavatta (2009), Cunha (2005a; 2005b; 2005c), Manfredi (2002) and Santos (2011). In addition to these, there are other authors who deal with the subject of training and school environment. The educational system in both countries has undergone changes to meet the constant innovation of the job market, economic process and social inclusion. When comparing the two countries, it is clear that France had a contribution to professional educational training in Brazil and also the existence of an educational duality between theorists, that is, technical training exclusive to the needs of the job market; on the other, comprehensive training based on learning about health, culture, dignity, family life, conditions for development in society and for work. Both countries seek improvements in public policies aimed at professional education, among the forms of impact assessment.

Angela Valéria de Amorim, Universidade Lusófona, Portugal
Patricia Carly de Farias Campos, Universidade Lusófona, Portugal
Karoline de Amorim Santos, Universidade Guararapes, Brazil
André Lucas Santos Silva, Universidade Maurício de Nassau, Brazil

About the Presenter(s)
Professor Angela Valéria de Amorim is a University Doctoral Student at Universidade Lusófona in Portugal

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00