A New Experience of Leaning Hand Hygiene Through Game-Basis Learning Materials in Primary School (80109)
Session Chair: Nicholas De Jager
Sunday, 16 June 2024 11:50
Session: Session 2
Room: Salle 103
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
Background: To motivate children to learn hand hygiene effectively, board games targeted primary students were designed and developed for learning and skill practice. The benefits of the boardgames are to enhance problem-solving skills and promote social skills in school children. The aim of this study is to engage the children to play collaboratively and transfer knowledge of hand hygiene by repeated exposure.
Method: A pilot study was conducted between June and July in 2023 in 3 local primary schools. One boardgame was designed to educate children the correct strategies in hand hygiene to be a germ fighter. Pretest and posttest true or false questionnaires on infection control knowledge and skills were collected.
Results: 155 school children were participated, their aged were between 6 to 11. Seventy-seven (46.4%) were male and 78 (47%) were female. Chi square test was used to analyze the 10 true or false questionnaires. Seven questions have statistical significance, such as Q1. “Perform hand hygiene in 20 seconds”, p=0.01. Q4. “Perform hand hygiene before meal”, p=0.027. Q5.”Do not wash hand after playing toys”, p=0.02. Q8 “Use alcohol-based hand rub when there is no water supply to wash your hands.” p=0.049, Q10. “Facing others to cough, p=0.01.
Conclusion: Boardgames addressed hand hygiene awareness in children. Boardgames were effective to engage children to transfer knowledge and skills of hand hygiene by playing process reinforces the players to apply knowledge and skills in daily life.
Peggy Pui-lai Or, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Louisa Ming Yan Chung, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Peggy Pui-lai Or is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at The Education University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong
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