Investigating Waste Management Learning in School Education in Japan and Bangladesh: Textbook Content Analysis (80229)

Session Information: Education, Sustainability & Society
Session Chair: Marco Burbano

Sunday, 16 June 2024 10:20
Session: Session 1
Room: Salle 203
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 2 (Europe/Paris)

In dealing with global waste management challenges, education has been considered an efficient tool to improve students’ awareness and mitigation actions. According to the UN Education for Sustainable Development initiative of 2015, sustainable waste management is expected to be part of school curricula. There has been little research examining textbook contents related to waste management. These tend to focus on sustainability within specific disciplines. Based on the literature review this study developed an analytical framework for analyzing the extent to which waste management content has been incorporated into Japan's and Bangladesh’s Elementary and Junior school textbooks. The analysis identified interdisciplinary and competency education approaches in Japan's subjects on Society, Home, and Morality, and in Bangladesh’s for Science, Social studies, and Language, which incorporate examples, stories, historical notes, research, and innovation to teach waste management. Comparing the two countries, the results reveal Japan’s emphasis on a recycle-oriented society whereas Bangladesh’s waste management education tends to promote risk awareness of the consequences of poor waste management. Visual illustration analysis indicates that Japan's textbooks contain pictorial representations with real-time images, diagrams, drawings, graphs, and maps but Bangladesh lacks these details, so they represent them with drawings. This implies that Japan has the waste management practices necessary to integrate the real scenario into textbooks. The findings of the analysis help better understand waste management education design and students’ knowledge acquisition.

Nigar Islam, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Kenichi Matsui, University of Tsukuba, Japan

About the Presenter(s)
Ms Nigar Islam is a University Postgraduate Student at University of Tsukuba, Japan in Japan

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00