Decolonial Approaches to Teaching Art History (80438)
Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type:Virtual Presentation
This virtual presentation introduces pedagogies, strategies, and topics that facilitate the decolonized teaching and learning of art history and aesthetics. The presentation draws on the author’s experience as an educator in Canada, in both traditional academic and polytechnic institutions. Topics to be discussed include decolonizing the classroom and the museum. As we work towards ‘decolonizing the classroom,’ we consider the responsibility that educators have to the curation of their materials. After all, the history of visual culture is so vast, one cannot teach everything. In the presentation, we are invited to consider whose voices are we elevating when we teach. Whose art are we sharing? Which authors are we assigning in our reading lists? We also consider how are we teach, the pedagogical choices that we make, and how we can emphasize community building and discussion in the teaching of art history. In considering calls to ‘decolonize the museum,’ we consider how museums and monuments shape collective memory and the responsibility to situate the museum institution within the history of colonization. Further emphasized is our responsibility as educators to perform institutional critiques with our students as we explore the history of acquisition, display, restitution, and repatriation of objects to their communities of origin.
Lesley Thornton-Cronin, Humber College, Canada
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Lesley Thornton-Cronin is a University Professor/Principal Lecturer at Humber College in Canada
See this presentation on the full schedule – On Demand Schedule
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