Implementation of Blended Learning in Hospitality Education and Training in Kumasi Technical University: Challenges and Recommendation for Success (80742)
Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type:Virtual Presentation
The Covid-19 pandemic became the facilitator of blended learning which has now become an integrated teaching and learning framework for academic institutions across the globe. Ghana has over the past decade developed its digital infrastructures, making adoption and acceptance of technologically inclined teaching and learning models within the Technology Acceptance Model theoretical model relatively easier. The TAM advances two arguments that portray the acceptance of new models based on perceived benefits and challenges. Several higher learning institutions in Ghana have implemented blended learning, nonetheless, little empirical knowledge has been established regarding the effectiveness, benefits, and challenges of the new learning model. Thus, the impact of blended learning on the effectiveness of teaching and learning practical-based academic programs such as tourism and hospitality, has not been widely established in literature. This study employs a quantitative research design to develop empirical narratives addressing the abovementioned research gap. Data is gathered from hospitality lecturers and students at three public Universities in Ghana through a five-point Likert scale questionnaire. The data analysis approach used Descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, and relative importance ranking). The main challenges with the online sessions had to do with internet connectivity, power fluctuations, and the lack of technological gadgets such as smartphones, laptops, and computers on the part of students. Facilitators' challenges are with class control issues and low turnovers during online sessions. Resolutions of the research gap are expected to provide the basis for practice and policy revisions regarding the blended-learning framework of hospitality education. The study also makes theoretical implications by broadening the literature on the effectiveness, benefits, and challenges of blended learning within the framework of TAM.
Evelyn Catherine Impraim, Kumasi Technical University, Ghana
Vida Commey, Kumasi Technical University, Ghana
Harrietta Akrofi-Ansah, Kumasi Technical University, Ghana
Lois Vigil Commey, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
About the Presenter(s)
Ms. Evelyn Catherine Impraim holds a master's degree in Hospitality and Tourism and is currently a Lecturer at the Kumasi Technical University. Her research area is hospitality management and education.
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