Salvaging the Bard: A Success Story of Theatre-Based Practice for Neurodiverse Learners (80909)
Session Chair: Lars Bjork
Sunday, 16 June 2024 13:20
Session: Session 3
Room: Salle 232
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
At its core, this research is founded on the notion that Shakespeare’s plays and text are beneficial for all student abilities if made accessible through active learning. This study looks at a neurodiverse classroom of primary school students with a myriad of special educational needs (SEN), including high functioning autism spectrum disorder (HFASD), attention deficit disorder (ADD), and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Shakespeare’s plays, specifically, integrate opportunities for literal-minded students to re-contextualize four-hundred-year-old texts, practice language decoding, and use performativity for perspective-taking, socialization, and emotional discovery. Over three months, observations were collected on the usefulness of applying the Royal Shakespeare Company’s (RSC) active in-classroom practices to teaching The Tempest to the aforementioned group of students. The research looks at three areas that align with the students’ challenges: (1) how activeness improves attentiveness; (2) growth in social and creative confidence; (3) collaborative improvement. The observations made evidence that a multimodal curriculum that blends social-communication skills with individualized student benchmarks successfully addresses areas of challenges in neurodiverse classrooms. In conclusion, an active approach to Shakespeare’s text can model a co-constructed learning-environment that benefits both social and academic progress, regardless of each student's perceived academic attitude.
Eleni Kmiec, Iowa Conservatory, United States
About the Presenter(s)
Eleni (Lenni) Kmiec is the theatre department chair at Iowa Conservatory and director of education for International Theatre & Dance Project. She is interested in benefits of and accessibility for Shakespeare's texts within neurodiverse communities.
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