The Impact of On-site Vocal Concerts in Preschool on Music Inspiration and Learning Among Preschoolers (80911)
Session Chair: Mei-Ying Liao
Saturday, 15 June 2024 10:15
Session: Session 1
Room: Salle 203
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
This study aimed to explore the impact of hosting a vocal music concert on aesthetic inspiration and learning in a preschool environment. Employing a case study approach, the research focused on a private preschool in Northern Taiwan that organized a concert featuring two vocalists. In addition to the concert, teachers also extended the content of the concert into the curriculum. The event involved approximately 150 preschoolers from 5 classes, along with 16 teachers and staff. Data collection methods included observation, interviews, and document analysis. The findings revealed that both teachers and children greatly enjoyed the concert, showing high levels of engagement when the program was well-designed and executed. Teachers noted that post-concert discussions with children indicated their ability to recall people, events, and elements from the performance, articulating their impressions of the most memorable segments. The concert effectively met the goals of the aesthetic domain, particularly in fostering response and appreciation, and sparked preschoolers' interest in music. Many teachers observed an increased desire for performance among preschoolers following the concert, with children imitating the performers and their expressions. Notably, one class integrated this experience into the curriculum, organizing a high-quality concert in the music learning center. Parents also reported that preschoolers enthusiastically shared their concert experiences at home. In conclusion, despite being a one-time event, the positive responses from preschoolers towards the music performance suggest a significant impact. These experiences were integrated into the curriculum, allowing teachers to deepen related topics and foster autonomous learning habits in designated learning centers.
Mei-Ying Liao, Chaoyuan University of Technology, Taiwan
Po-Ya Huang, Sunny Garden Preschool in Hsinchu County, Taiwan
About the Presenter(s)
Professor Mei-Ying Liao is a University Professor/Principal Lecturer at Chaoyuan University of Technology in Taiwan
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