Vocationalization of Secondary Education: Empowering Teenage Mothers in Refugee Settlements – A Case Study of Windle International Uganda (81078)
Session Chair: Moroesi G. Pitikoe-Chiloane
Saturday, 15 June 2024 16:15
Session: Session 5
Room: Salle 233
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
This paper explores the vocationalization of secondary education by Windle International Uganda (WIU) and its impact on the lives of vulnerable groups, particularly teenage mothers in refugee settlements. Drawing on the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA 16-25) and other key AU documents, this paper provides evidence-based insights into the progress made in implementing AU decisions to promote education and empower marginalized populations. Through the lens of WIU's initiatives, this paper highlights the transformative potential of vocational education in improving the livelihoods and future prospects of teenage mothers in refugee settings. As an organization, we have made significant progress in implementing vocationalization of secondary education and supporting teenage mothers. Through partnerships with local schools and communities, vocational training centers that offer a wide range of courses have been established, including tailoring, hairdressing, catering, and agriculture. These courses are designed to equip teenage mothers with practical skills that are in demand in the job market. Furthermore, WIU provides comprehensive support services to ensure the success of teenage mothers in their educational journey. This includes counseling, mentorship, and childcare facilities to enable them to attend classes without hindrance. By addressing the unique challenges faced by teenage mothers, WIU is breaking down barriers and creating opportunities for them to pursue education and secure a brighter future. Through testimonials and case studies, WIU has documented numerous success stories of teenage mothers who have graduated from its vocational education programs and gone on to establish successful businesses or secure gainful employment.
Simon James Daale, Windle International Uganda, Uganda
Hilda Namakula - Masaba, Windle International Uganda, Uganda
About the Presenter(s)
Hilda Namakula - Masaba is currently serving as a Programme Manager at Windle International Uganda a lead education partner for UNHCR in Uganda.
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