Intercultural Listening Among Vietnamese EFL Students (81223)

Session Information:

Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type:Virtual Presentation

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A good background in culture and listening is believed to help students successfully interact in the global community. This study, hence, with the participation of 80 undergraduate EFL students from a public higher education institution, quantitatively explored the levels of intercultural listening among Vietnamese students, as well as the relationship between students’ intercultural listening and listening strategies. The findings demonstrated that Vietnamese EFL students have high levels of intercultural listening, with a positive association between students’ intercultural listening and listening strategies. The present study’s qualitative data revealed that despite having never heard of ‘intercultural listening’ before participating in the present study, all EFL students perceived intercultural listening as a significant stimulant of listening skills and intercultural knowledge. Also, the current study showed disparities in strategies undertaken by L2 learners to boost their competence depending on students’ study levels and intercultural awareness. In other words, senior students, who have been taught the subject of intercultural competence, embrace their discretion in (seeking) communication with others, whereas junior students primarily deploy relevant resources found on the media and Internet due to their perceived limited ability in both listening and intercultural background. Accordingly, the current study recommends the integration of intercultural listening instruction into the curriculum to assist Vietnamese EFL students build up their competency from the early stage of study.

Huyen-Thanh Nguyen, Hanoi University, Vietnam

About the Presenter(s)
Huyen Thanh Nguyen (She/Her) is a trained teacher of English Language Teaching; her work focuses on SLA, language learning motivation, intercultural communication, and the internationalization of higher education.

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00