Inclusive Early Education for Children with Autism (81367)
Session Chair: Camille Brandt
Saturday, 15 June 2024 15:35
Session: Session 4
Room: Salle 203
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
Early education and intervention for children impacted by autism has been identified as having a powerful and positive long-term impact on the overall development of a child on the autism spectrum. Many early childhood education models offered through local education agencies reflect part-time or partial week options. Parents with children on the spectrum who work outside of the home (or at home post-pandemic) are in need of high-quality inclusive settings for education and care. One early childhood education approach, the Montessori Constructivist Method, has been found to meet the needs of children with varied levels of autism through the multi-age, hands-on, individualized strategies incorporated into Children’s House classrooms. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and work samples for children on the spectrum enrolled in a midwestern Montessori preschool operating 8 hours per day 5 days per week over the course of 10 years. Results reflect consistent and measurable growth in the following areas: social skills, language, play skills, academic skills, independence, life skills. Children enrolled in the Montessori preschool highlighted in this work impacted by autism consistently showed growth across developmental domains. The data collected over the course of each academic year informs the practice of inclusivity, impacts professional development choices for staff, and contributes to the discussion on best practices for early education and inclusion for students with autism.
Camille Brandt, Bemidji State University, United States
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Camille Brandt is a University Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer at Bemidji State University in United States
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