Make Teaching Fun: Teaching Mathematics to Grade R Learners Through Storytelling (81370)
Session Chair: Jaysveree Louw
Saturday, 15 June 2024 11:20
Session: Session 2
Room: Salle 269
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
Mathematics is a crucial subject that forms the foundation of various disciplines. It is the explanation of how we organise our everyday lives to make sense of what is going on around us. Our understanding of how things work on planet Earth depends largely on our understanding and use of Mathematics. In Grade R (the year of schooling that precedes Grade 1) Mathematics, it is especially important for the teacher to focus on physical, social, conceptual and lingual knowledge. The aim of this theoretical paper is (1) to examine the relationship between the teaching of Mathematics through the telling of stories and (2) to highlight the benefits of merging Mathematics teaching with storytelling. The paper argues that many young learners find the traditional ways (e.g. rote learning) of learning Mathematics boring, too abstract, rigid and unenjoyable. These traditional approaches to teaching Mathematics could shed light on why many learners in South Africa do not perform well in Mathematics. One alternative to teaching Mathematics is to teach it through the telling and reading of ‘Math stories’ in order to make learning Mathematics fun and enjoyable for Grade R learners.
Jaysveree Louw, Central University of Technology, South Africa
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Jaysveree Louw is a Lecturer in Education
Interests include community upliftment and literacy development and promotion
See this presentation on the full schedule – Saturday Schedule
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