Finding Her Voice: A Feminist Teaching Approach to Graduate Supervision (81746)
Session Chair: Hilary Brown
Sunday, 16 June 2024 10:45
Session: Session 1
Room: Salle 233
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
When implemented well, personalized supervision of graduate students invites a spirited interplay between building a respectful ethical relationship built on trust while sensitively providing critical feedback through sophisticated pedagogical teaching moments. As a feminist graduate supervisor, I also adhere to the responsibility of disrupting normative practices while dismantling the supervisor/supervisee binaries of the input/output model of supervision. Within this learning alliance (Fullagar et al., 2017) there is an entanglement of self and other and in this space, disruption has the potential to emerge resulting in a life changing experience. This is an account of four women’s experiences being supervised by a feminist supervisor and my experience supervising/teaching them. I share untold stories that deeply affected my supervisees, such as neoliberalism, techno-rational teaching, religion, perfectionism, holism, classism, peaceseeker/peacemaker, motherhood, mental health challenges, colourism, disability studies, colonialism, learning differences, and racism that emerged through their graduate work. I believe these untold stories hindered their ability to free themselves from the barriers/burdens, that had been holding each one back from speaking her truth. The path of each learning alliance was traced as each woman shared her personal journey towards her consciousness raising. I wrote with each woman as we untangled the self and the other to come to a creative relational understanding grounded in affirmative ethics (Bradiotti, 2019). We arrived at a place that confirmed that for each supervisee, feminist supervision was the impetus for them to find the courage to speak their truth and in doing so find her voice.
Hilary Brown, Brock University, Canada
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Hilary Brown is a University Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer at Brock University in Canada
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