Why Engage in Scientific and Technological Initiation? A Groundbreaking Brazilian Study (81777)
Saturday, 15 June 2024 17:35
Session: Session 6 (Poster Session)
Room: Salle 201
Presentation Type:Poster Presentation
Scientific and technological initiation programs are developed to introduce students to scientific research and technological development. Our study aimed to evaluate undergraduate students' research experience, self-perceptions, and scientific production during one academic period. Quantitative analysis of curricula vitae and an electronic survey were conducted on students enrolled in a Brazilian Midwest Institute. The sample included 213 students (115 female, 54.0%) who participated in the undergraduate programs (UR) during the 2018–2019 academic term participated in the study. The students were divided into two groups according to their experience in research: 110 (51.6%) student's first time in a research program, and 103 (48.4%) experienced students. The results showed that students who had participated in research activities more than once perceived the benefits of UR more positively (p=0.047) and demonstrated a higher volume of academic production than those who were participating for the first time (p<0.001). Both groups agree that experience in UR will contribute to better academic performance in graduate programs (novices: 64.5%; experienced: 71.8%). Furthermore, most participating students expressed their intention to continue their involvement in UR (novice: 59.1%; experienced: 64.1%), indicating the positive trajectory of Brazilian UR programs. In conclusion, undergraduate students who participate in UR programs contribute positively to academic production and training by providing personal and professional benefits and the opportunity to produce academic work that can help initiate academic careers.
Woska Costa, Instituto Federal Goiano, Brazil
Angélica Melo, Instituto Federal Goiano, Brazil
Priscilla Noll, Instituto Federal Goiano, Brazil
Matias Noll, Instituto Federal Goiano, Brazil
About the Presenter(s)
Mr Woska Pires da Costa is a University Postgraduate Student at Morrinhos Campus, Goiano Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, Brazil. in Brazil
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