The Use of Effective Laboratory Simulations to Enhance Engineering Concepts: The Implications of Project-based Learning in Higher Education (81977)
Session Chair: Jelisaveta Janicijevic Agatonovic
Sunday, 16 June 2024 12:15
Session: Session 2
Room: Salle 233
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
This study examined the potential use of project-based learning (PBL) to reinforce engineering concepts and applications in higher education, using Ashesi University in Ghana as a case study. Course learning goals were focused on engagement and participation, understanding of course content, improvement in critical thinking, developing the needed skills, and grasping of key concepts and principles. These five components were measured using a 5-point Likert scale. Progress in students’ development was investigated in 3-different courses and at different semesters to monitor students’ learning during the implementation of PBL. Monitoring methods employed included data collection on self-reflections of a semester-long/mini projects and the institutional end-of-semester course evaluation. Descriptive statistics were obtained using Microsoft Excel and data was graphically presented using OriginLab software (version 17). Mann-Whitney U–test was used to evaluate ratings on course evaluations in which PBL was employed as compared to courses taught without the implementation of PBL. A one-tailed test was used with a 5% significance level. JASP software (version 0.18.3) was used for all inferential statistics reported. From the study, the result showed a promising outcome of PBL implementation in enhancing student learning. Hence PBL approach supports the professional development and personal growth of faculties and students in higher education.
Yiporo Danyuo, Ashesi University, Ghana
Miriam Abade-Abugre, Ashesi University, Ghana
Sullaiman Alhassan, Ashesi University, Ghana
Evelyn Amu, Ashesi University, Ghana
Sharifa Amadu, Ashesi University, Ghana
Eunice Tachie-Menson, Ashesi University, Ghana
About the Presenter(s)
Dr. Danyuo Yiporo is a researcher and a faculty with 13 years of academic experience and has published over 35 peer reviewed journal papers.
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