The Instructional Leadership Role of Superintendents in Instructionally Effective School Districts (82253)
Session Chair: Lars Bjork
Sunday, 16 June 2024 13:45
Session: Session 3
Room: Salle 232
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
Throughout the past several decades (1983-2024), the rise of a global economy and the changing nature of American society underscored the importance of educating all children. Successive waves of education reform in the USA launched a wide array of initiatives focused on improving student learning. Three nation-wide studies (2000, 2010, 2020) conducted by the American Association of School Administrators (AASA) sampled a population (12,600) school district superintendents. Participants included: (2000, 2262; 2010, 1867; 2020, 1218). These studies used a mixed methods data collection approach and focused on identifying their characteristics, roles, and responsibilities. Data suggest that superintendents’ instructional leadership role increased in importance (2000: 40.2%; 2010: 26%; 2020: 58%) in relation to their traditional managerial role (2000: 36.2%; 2010: [Ranked 2nd]; 2020: 47%). Although superintendents’ managerial role is defined, ISED scholars have identified practices that may offer insight into how they may enact their instructional leadership role. A recent (2024) exploratory, qualitative study focused on superintendent instructional leadership practices in IESD districts in Kentucky found that their continuous involvement and use of their managerial position supported district-wide instructional improvement in areas including: (1) Staff selection and recruitment; (2) Principal supervision and evaluation; (3) Establishing clear instructional and curricular goals; (4) Monitoring learning and curricular improvement activities and, (5) Financial planning for instruction. These findings suggest that superintendents’ may leverage their management prerogatives to enact their instructional leadership role. Findings add to the literature on superintendents’ instructional leadership and frame a promising line for future scholarly inquiry.
Lars Bjork, University of Kentucky, United States
About the Presenter(s)
Dr. Lars G. Bjork, Professor, Department of Educational Leadership Studies, University of Kentucky teaches doctoral seminars in organizational leadership. His research focuses on the role of superintendents in educational reform.
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