Accepted Presentations
One of the greatest strengths of IAFOR’s international conferences is their international and intercultural diversity.
As of February 11, 2025, PCAH2025 has received over 320 submissions from over 65 countries and territories - including: Philippines, United States, China, Türkiye, Germany, India, Thailand, Portugal, and Canada
The following submissions have been accepted for presentation at PCAH2025.
Media, Film Studies, Theatre, Communication
- Avant–Garde Narratives on Screen: The Cinematic Autofiction of Select Twentieth-Century Artists
- Theatre in Education (TIE) for Teaching Thai Language and Culture: The Case Study of the Contemporary Performing Arts "Pooyai Lee Kab Nang Ma"
- Labiche’s La Cagnotte (The Kitty) or the Parody of the Congress of Vienna (1815)
- How Did Social Evolution of Order Observation Evolve Through Time?
- Why Wartime Screwball Comedies Are "Nothing to Be Sneezed At"
- Women on the Cutting Edge: Editing in Yugoslav Film
- Visual Music Programmes at the Turn of Digital Media
Language, Linguistics
- Anglicisms in Financial Italian: A Corpus-driven Analysis of Italian Press from 2008 to 2020
- Language Barriers Encountered by Georgian Students While Studying Abroad
- Montenegrin Speakers’ Attitudes Towards Anglicisms in Montenegro
- Cross-linguistic Onomatopoeia in the English and Georgian Languages
- Tri-Lingual Aesthetics: Leveraging Generative AI for Multilingual Education and Cross-Cultural Expression in the Arts and Humanities
- Signs of Power and Resistance: Exploring Cameroon’s Linguistic Landscape
- ‘Brofolisation’ and the Future of Ghanaian Languages: The Case of Junior High School Learners in Ghana
Aesthetics, Design
- Reinterpreting Craft: The Aesthetic Evolution of Kintsugi and Crazing in the Digital Age
- Design Conceptual and Analysis of Traditional Pattern Indonesia Use in Product Interior Case Study of Interior Product Design with Traditional Houses
- Threads of Tradition, Patterns of Innovation: The AI-Powered Revitalization of Bedouin Weaving Art in Oman
- Arabic Calligraphy as an Innovative Approach to Designing Contemporary Fashion Utilizing of Laser Technology and Artificial Intelligence
- Innovating Sustainable Fashion Identity: A Circular Economy Approach with Nondyed Materials.
- Innovative Approaches in Sustainable Knitwear: A Zero-Waste Design Study
Science, Environment and the Humanities
- Halaman Festival in Guiguinto, Bulacan, Philippines: A Platform for Ecological Education Toward Sustainable Development
- Fostering Digital Literacy in Post-Conflict Education: A Humanitarian and Technological Perspective on Sierra Leone
- Warm Heart, Green Earth: The Role of Trait Emotional Intelligence in Pro-Environmental Attitudes and Action
- Empowering Aging Populations: The Role of Gender and Cultural Dynamics in Rural Thai Villages
- Genetic Testing, Family Secrets and Stories About Who We Are
- AI vs Human News Sources: Framing Effects on Climate Change Policy Support
Philosophy, Ethics, Consciousness
- Addressing End-of-Life Issues in Filipino Families: A Bioethical Analysis of Cultural and Religious Factors
- Mortality, Faith, and the Meaning of Life in Kazuo Ishiguro's Klara and the Sun
- Being an Educated Public in the Post-Truth Era Within the Filipino Society Through Alasdair MacIntyre’s Critique on Modernity
- A Neo-Pragmatist Account of Harmony Between the Private Sphere and Public Purpose: Dialogue Between Richard Rorty and Charles Taylor
- The Dilution of the Subject for a New Formulation of Consciousness: Existing with Other Beings in Care, Not Enslavement
- An Analysis of the Catholic Church’s New Evangelization Through Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Das Sprachspiel
- Analyziging Digitization: Examining Thomas Fuchs' Position and Paul Stephan’s Utopian Perspective on Technology
Political Science, Politics
- A Pro-Democracy Research, Education, and Application Initiative
Religion, Spirituality
- The Symbolic of Kneeling: Upholding Heritage Toward Integral Ecology
- "My Buddha Has Arrived": Sacred Landscape and Envisioning the Enigma of Relics: An Ethnoarchaeological Case Study of Relics
- Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, Purdah, and the ‘Woman Question’
- Overcoming the "East vs. West" : Reflections on Leo Tolstoy’s Christian Ethics from the Perspective of C.S. Lewis’s Christian Apologetics
Sexuality, Gender, Families
- Empowering Kicks and Rhythms: Exploring the Role of Music in Self-Esteem and Performance Among Female Taekwondo Athletes in Nigerian Universities
- "You Will Be Nearer to Heaven Through Football Than Through the Study of the Gita": Vivekananda, Masculinity, and Sports Culture
- How Families Navigate Social and Political Difference: Lessons from Research with Generationally and Sexually Diverse U.S. Families
- Can Salvation Be Physical? Androgynous Body and the Construction of Sexuality
- “I Would Be Happy as a Dolphin Too. or a Cat”: Substituting the Heteronormative Animal in Bishakh Som’s Spellbound
Cyberspace, Technology
- Reader Interpretation of Same Information in Different Languages: What Natural Language Processing Tells Us About How Readers View the World
- The Cybercultural Characteristics Present in the Digital Story the Boat (2015)
- XR Modalities in Museum Experiences: Institutions’ Challenges and Advantages on Contemporary Implementation
- Multimedia Digital Content Creation for Multilingual Learning and Cross-Cultural Communication: Leveraging Canva and ChatGPT
First Nations and Indigenous Peoples
- Customary Laws and Cultural Resilience: The Manuvu Judicial System
- Small and Light Weapons Proliferation in West Africa: Implications for Nigeria 1999 to 2015
- Global Citizens and Returnees: Stories of Korean Migrant Workers Returning from Germany Through Their Memorabilia
- Discussion on the Development of China’s Civil Aviation Transport Enterprises Under the Background of Globalization
- Heterotopia, Ritual, Egregor: The Occult Formula of Media Mass Manipulation Revealed
Other Humanities
- Social Constructions of Disasters Among Informal Settlers in Manila, Philippines
- The Relationship Between EFL Learners’ Internal Locus of Control and Motivation in the Technological Era: A Pilot Study
- Adaptive Leadership: School Improvement During NPM Reforms and COVID-19
- Commitment to Display Rules and Emotional Labor to Predict Organizational Outcomes: The Moderating Effects of Job Autonomy and Organizational Identification
- The Four Causes of the Humanities
- The Utility of the Useless in Times of Social and Life Crises
- The Yoga Paradigm: Bridging Intelligence and Quality of Life in Modern Times
- Community-based Tourism: Does it Bring Sustainability and Prosperity to Local Communities in Kampung Caping, Indonesia?
Teaching and Learning
- E-Learning Methods for French as a Foreign Language in Nigeria
- Silent Day Implementation Project by Middle School Students in Tourism Areas as an Implementation of Tri Hita Karana
- The Relationship Between Leadership Styles and Organizational Conflict Management
- Challenges Faced by Siblings with and Without a Mild Intellectual Disability in Terms of Support and Inclusion as Experienced in the Family and at School
- A Mixed Method Approach to the Understanding of the Impact of Stress, Gender, Acting or Confirmed Appointment Status on Burnout
- Evaluating the Role of Portfolios and Competency-Based Evaluation in Modern Classrooms
- Informing Quebec’s Childcare Policy: A Comparative Study of Paris's System and Its Implications for Immigrant Families
- Bridging the Gap: Enhancing Support for Students with Learning Disabilities in STEM Higher Education and Workforce Transition
- Leadership Uncut: Making Money Moves Through Empowerment and Coaching
Architecture and Urban Studies/Design
- Ambiguity of the Boundaries of Physical Landscape and Discovery of New Boundary: Mental Landscape
Ethnicity, Difference, Identity
- Anti-Zionist and Jew: A Sartrean Analysis of the Authenticity of ‘Being’ Jewish in Contemporary France
- Qualified Permanence Beyond Borders: The Challenges and Conditions of Student Permanence in Brazil and Portugal
Arts- Arts Policy, Management and Advocacy
- Cultural Hybridization in Contemporary European Art: A Reflection of Societal Changes
- Measuring Transformational Impact: Data-Driven Tools in Arts Management
- Assessing the Guidelines in the Implementation of Free Prior Informed Consent for Culture and Arts Activities: Basis for Policy Enhancement
Arts- Arts Theory and Criticism
- Aesthetic Dissent: The Political Body in Contemporary Chinese Art
- Can the Sub-Altern Be Seen: Representation of the Subaltern Across Mediums of Creative Expression in India
- Surrealism and Realities: An Exploration of the Real, the Symbolic and the Imaginary in Surrealist Art
- Gender, Politics, and Art in Contemporary Afghanistan: Rethinking Western Feminist Narratives and the Agency of Women
- Shaping Art Criticism in India- Seminal Role of European Art Critics on the Development of Art Criticism in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century
Arts- Literary Arts Practices
- Reclaiming Existence: A Neuro Existential Reading to Janna Leyde’s He Never Liked Cake
Arts- Media Arts Practices: Television, Multimedia, Digital, Online and Other New Media
- Makeup and More: Conceptualizing Modern Women in a Global, Feminist and Queer Convergence
- Game Essay as an Artistic Method: Exploring Corporate Labor, AI, and the Art Market Through the Video Game TATLY
Arts- Other Arts
- Clay as a Medium for Journaling Mental Well-being: A Prompt Card Deck Approach
- Performance and the City: An Autoethnography of a Diasporic Being
Arts- Social, Political and Community Agendas in the Arts
- Thallumaala, Muslim Hip Hop and ‘Mappila Cool’ in Kerala, South India
- Hacking the Urban Space: The Disruptive Exhibition of Rickshaw Art of Bangladesh
- Community-Driven Preservation of Oral Traditions at Local Shrines (Pakistan): A Social and Political Agenda for Cultural Identity in Urban Settings
- Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Arts Education, Sexuality, and Societal Normativity
- Sining Saysay a Philippine History in Art: Political Ideologies Contained in the Paintings During the Spanish Period
Arts- Visual Arts Practices
- The Multifaceted Influence of Sculptures on Human Experience
- Rural Landscape in Contemporary Artistic Production
- Individualism, Freedom, and Transcendence: On Mr. Yiqiang Wu’s Artistic Creation
- Narrative Film Practice as Research and Knowledge Exchange: A Case Study of ‘The Building’ (20-Minute Short Drama)
- Community Contexts: the Countryside as a Tool to Activate a New “Institutional Critique”
- Sonic Immersions of the Visual in Tracey Rose: Shooting Down Babylon
- Out of Darkness and into the Light: A Brief Survey of the Nazi Occupation of Paris (1940-1944)
- The Influence of Japan’s Unique Anti-Semitism During the World War II
- Hacking the Newspaper Exchange Network: How a Nineteenth-Century Farmer Used His Pen-Printed Newspaper to Spread His Abolitionist, Atheist, Anti-Temperance Message
- A Path to Peace: Exploring Alabay Concept in Historicizing Philippines to Promote Global Citizenship Education
- Lost in Transliteration: Seeking the Remnants of Australian Occupied Hiroshima
Literature/Literary Studies
- Sports as Sites of Resistance in the Poetry of Sherman Alexie
- Suppressed Love Poems of Hara Saihin: Her Love Affair in Edo
- Exploring AI Principles of Machine Learning and Animatronic Potentials in Yorùbá Indigenous Innovations – IfÁ, Ọ̀sanyÌn, SÌgìdÌ, Ère-ÌbejÌ, and Ère-eegun
- The Effect of National Trauma on Individuals, Families, and Society in “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” by Jonathan S. Foer
- Power, Resistance and Knowledge in Efren R. Abueg’s Mga Kaluluwa Sa Kumunoy
- Plasticity of the Ocean or Plastic Ocean? “The Great Derangement” of Water Bodies in Select Indian Sea and River Narratives
- Deconstructing Reconstructed History: The Formation of Israel’s and Turkey’s National Historical Narrative and the Denialism of Genocidal Remembrance
- The Po-ethics of Horror: Georges Perec's "W, or the Memory of Childhood" and Danilo Kiš’s "A Tomb for Boris Davidovich"
- Duality in Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray: A Comparative Study
- Walking the City: Urban Flânerie, Addiction, and Existential Struggle in Irvine Welsh’s "Trainspotting' Through Gros’s "A Philosophy of Walking'
- Exploring the Distinction Between Al-Generated Stories and Human-Crafted Narratives: A Comparative Study
- Diane Ackerman’s Cosmopoetics of Consilience in the Planets: A Cosmic Pastoral
- Understanding the Caste-Gender Dichotomy, Suffering and ‘Rhetoric of Violence’ Through Manju Bala’s "Ups and Downs" and "The Conflict"
- The Subsistence of the Aging Voice: Krystyna Miłobędzka’s Encapsulation of Present-Time
- The Influence of Persian on English Literature: A Critical Overview
- Shanghai and Guangzhou: Reconnecting the World in the 1980s
- Literature and Artificial Intelligence: How Young Readers in the Periphery of Capitalism Experience Big Data and Digital Learning
- Sowing Seeds of Resistance: Black Women Activists and the Civil Rights Movement
- Interrogating the Stigmatised Body: Narrativising the (Dis)abled Child in Indian Picturebooks
- Technologies of Death: (Post)Colonial Borders and Memories of War in the Work of Nina Bouroaui
- Cultural Syncretism and Hybrid Identities: Indo-Caribbean and Sino-Caribbean Narratives of Resistance and Transformation
Immigration, Refugees, Race, Nation
- Disrupting Walls of Silence Through the Use of Critical Artistic Self-Expression Productions: The Case of U.S.-Born Children of Mexican Immigrants
Education, Sustainability & Society: Social Justice, Development & Political Movements
- Who Uses Land? Who Owns Land?: Gender-based Violence in Land Ownership and Its Implications for Sustainable Development in Cameroon