Utilizing ChatGPT in Media Education: Enhancing English-Language Writing Skills Among Thai-Native Students (79664)
Session Chair: Josan Fermano
Sunday, 16 June 2024 11:25
Session: Session 2
Room: Salle 232
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
This media education study explores the integration of ChatGPT, an advanced language model instrument, in the curriculum of international communication arts programs in Thailand, focusing on the development of English-language writing skills in media contexts. The research involved 107 Thai-native students from diverse backgrounds, enrolled in courses centered on news writing and advertising copywriting. Initial assessments highlighted challenges in three critical areas: grammar, syntax, and style, within both news and advertising writing domains. The intervention comprised training students to use ChatGPT for idea generation, proofreading, and receiving constructive feedback. The post-intervention analysis revealed significant improvements: grammatical errors were notably reduced, and syntactic structures were adequately enhanced. However, the impact on writing style varied between the two domains. In journalistic writing, students' outputs aligned more with conventional standards, whereas ChatGPT tended to introduce a more creative flair, akin to feature writing. Contrastingly, in advertising copywriting, the use of ChatGPT led to more fluid and effective compositions, reflecting the distinct nature of this writing style. The study concludes that while ChatGPT is a valuable tool for addressing certain quality aspects of writing, it is not a panacea. The need for originality, critical thinking, and independent information gathering remains paramount. The findings suggest a tailored approach to integrating ChatGPT in media writing education, leveraging its strengths in specific areas while emphasizing the irreplaceable value of human creativity and investigative skills. The study opens avenues for future research on the nuanced role of AI in creative and professional writing education.
Alongkorn Parivudhiphongs, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Alongkorn Parivudhiphongs is a University Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand
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