Characterization of the Research Models of 4 Hei on the Colombian-Ecuadorian Border Regarding Sustainability (79696)
Session Chair: Marco Burbano
Sunday, 16 June 2024 10:45
Session: Session 1
Room: Salle 203
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
This research aimed to analyze the orientation of the research models of four public higher education institutions (HEI) located in the border area between Ecuador and Colombia towards sustainability. Through applying an instrument previously validated under the Delphi methodology, information was collected from the heads of the research units of their respective HEI. The results obtained through a rigorous statistical analysis indicate that, in general, no statistically significant differences were found between the research models of the four HEIs analyzed and the sustainability principles. However, when examining specific dimensions such as environmental and economic, one of the institutions did show significantly superior performance according to the applied hypothesis tests, which suggests a more effective integration of sustainability criteria within the priorities of the research agenda. One of the main methodological strengths of the present study was the comprehensive characterization of HEI research models through the simultaneous evaluation of multiple indicators categorized into four key dimensions: environmental, social, economic and institutional. Among the study's main contributions is the pioneering analysis of the integration of sustainability in the field of research models of public HEI in a border context, which has been barely addressed by specialized literature until now. The study's findings have relevant practical implications since they provide the HEIs analyzed with empirical evidence to critically evaluate their models and introduce systematic improvements to align their research priorities with the SDGs and the sustainability needs of their local contexts.
Marco Burbano, Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi, Ecuador
About the Presenter(s)
Marco Burbano Pulles is an Agroindustrial Engineer and Master in Food Processing. He is currently completing his doctoral studies. He is the current Director of the Food Career at the Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi.
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