The Shot Heard Around the World: The Epidemic of Mass School Shootings (81888)
Session Chair: Marco Burbano
Sunday, 16 June 2024 09:55
Session: Session 1
Room: Salle 203
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
Mass school shootings have become a worldwide epidemic and have warranted many protests by civilians. Especially since schools are meant to be a safe space physically, emotionally, and mentally for all within those four walls, and since there has been a lack of diverse voices included when considering the implementation of new policies/ procedures. This research examines existing literature on more preventive or proactive vs reactive strategies for policy consideration that have been argued in light of mass school shootings that have occurred in the United States. Utilizing what has been effective and what has not from the United States context, recommendations are made as to what other countries such as Serbia, which experienced its first mass school shooting in May of 2023 can learn and implement moving forward to prevent further tragedies.
Jelisaveta Janicijevic Agatonovic, Columbia University Teachers College, United States
About the Presenter(s)
Ms Jelisaveta Janicijevic Agatonovic is a University Postgraduate Student at Columbia University Teachers College in United States
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