A Case Study of Mainland Chinese EFL University Learner’s Reading Motivation: A Complex Dynamic Systems Theory Perspective (79197)
Session Chair: Lorena Taglucop
Sunday, 16 June 2024 15:15
Session: Session 4
Room: Salle 234
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
Based on complex dynamic systems theory (CDST) (Larsen-Freeman & Cameron, 2008), the present study adopted a longitudinal sequential mixed-method research (MMR) approach with a quan->QUAL design and a triangulation purpose (Riazi, 2017) to unravel a Mainland Chinese EFL learner’s reading motivational complexity and dynamism over a half academic year (six months). Alex, a male 20-year-old year-2 accounting major, was selected as the participant in this case study. The Chinese Reading Motivation Questionnaire (CRMQ), an adapted version of MRQ (Baker & Wigfield, 1999), was administered first to measure Alex’s EFL reading motivational intensity over time, followed by a semi-structured interview. This coupled data collection procedure was repeated four times over the half academic year. The line chart by Excel was employed to visually display the data in CRMQ, identifying the changes and developmental trends of reading motivation over time. The content analysis approach by Erlingsson and Brysiewicz (2017) by NVivo 12 was used to analyze the qualitative data, unraveling the influential factors and their joint efforts to shape Alex’s reading motivational development in the time dimension. This study found that reading motivation manifested five typical CDST features, i.e. complexity, dynamism, attractor states, non-linearity and reliance on the contextual factors. Reading comprehension and contextual factors (teacher, reading materials, teaching style, father’s encouragement and international news) that showed variation over time intertwined to shape the reading motivational dynamic and complex nature in the time dimension. Self-regulation also plays a regulatory role in shaping the reading motivational development in the time dimension.
Jianjun Li, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
About the Presenter(s)
Mr Jianjun Li is a University Doctoral Student at The Chinese University of Hong Kong in China
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