Study of Motor Skills in Athletes with Intellectual Disabilities Using the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (MABC-2) (81986)
Session Chair: Leyre Gambra
Saturday, 15 June 2024 10:15
Session: Session 1
Room: Salle 232
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
The aim of this study is to describe motor skills of a group of athletes from a program of the Rafa Nadal Foundation. Sample: 76 participants (68% males) with intellectual disabilities (ID), aged 12 to 54 years (mean 33.7). Intellectual capacity was assessed using the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test, and motor competence using an adaptation of the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (MABC-2) (Henderson et al., 2012); normative scores corresponding to mental age were used for the interpretation of the latter. The mean-verbal IQ (x=57.51; sd=18.34) and non-verbal IQ (x=61.19; sd=15.03) correspond to the mild ID level; although 48% falls into the moderate level. In the MABC-2, T scores were used. As a group, they obtained a medium-low performance in Aim and Catch (AC: x=43.53; sd=16.17) and low performance in Manual Dexterity (MD: x=25.56; sd=7.54) and Balance (B: x=28.17; s=10.39); with the MD dimension significantly lower (ANOVA, p<.01). They stand out for their deficient performance compared to the rest of the subtests: "inserting pegs" (ANOVA, p<.05) and "balancing on a support" (ANOVA, p<.01), in the respective MD and B dimensions. These results do not differ by sex and age, but they differ by the degree of disability; with better performance in the group with mild ID. Motor dexterity and balance are deficient. The contribution of specific norms for this population is considered necessary.
Leyre Gambra, University of Navarra, Spain
Apolinar Varela, University of Navarra, Spain
Nerea Crespo-Eguílaz, Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Spain
Araceli Arellano, University of Navarra, Spain
Raul Fraguela-Vale, University of Coruña, Spain
Celeste Reyes, University of Navarra, Spain
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Leyre Gambra is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at University of Navarra in Spain
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