IAFOR Virtual Presentations

In addition to pre-recorded Virtual Presentation options, IAFOR also offers Live-Stream Presentation via Zoom. Click here to learn more about Live-Stream Presentation.


The Benefits of Virtual Presentation


Save travel and accommodation related costs

Save the planet

Reduce carbon footprint by limiting travel plans

Global reach

Increase visibility of your research by uploading it on IAFOR’s Virtual Presentation Archive

Bridging audiences

Share your ideas online


Get the same benefits as if presented in-person but with less time-investment

Additional Benefits


Have your presentation uploaded to IAFOR’s Online Virtual Presentation Archive

Have your presentation screened at the Conference at the Virtual Presentation Session


Publish your Final Paper in IAFOR’s Conference Proceedings, indexed with ISSN

Have your paper uploaded to the publicly available IAFOR’s Research Archive


Share, Comment and Discuss your video presentation with peers from around the world

Participate online by watching the dedicated live stream and by joining dedicated online sessions

Participate at PCAH via Virtual Presentation!

As part of our internationalising mission and commitment to accessibility, we are dedicated to providing platforms that make presentation and publishing possible for everyone. IAFOR’s purpose-built online platform provides structured accountability and reporting for conference participation and attendance, both physical and virtual.

Virtual Presenters enjoy all of the following:

  • Presentation published in IAFOR’s Online Video Archive
  • Final Paper published in the Conference Proceedings (optional)
  • Listed in the Online Programme/Abstract Book
  • Rigorous double-blind peer review acceptance standards
  • Real-time engagement and interaction
  • Access to plenary presentations via live-stream

For over a decade, IAFOR has been a leader in the field of international, interdisciplinary and intercultural conferences. Being at the cutting edge of academic exchange has shown us that alternatives are required to address the biggest issues facing humanity in the 21st century. Consequently, since 2013, IAFOR has been committed to the development of its online virtual publishing platform as a place where academics can share their research, communicate with their peers and a global audience, and collaborate on a truly international scale.

Recent events have shown us that this platform is now more important than ever.

The global crisis caused by the coronavirus has taught us that the freedoms which we hold so close, such as those of movement in a globalised world, cannot be taken for granted. In response, IAFOR is committed to tackling this issue head-on by providing academics with the platforms that they require to ensure that their research is shared, published and engaged with at this challenging time.

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The Virtual Presentation Process

To present your research at the conference as a Virtual Presenter, your abstract must first pass double-blind peer review.
If accepted for presentation at the conference, IAFOR invites authors to register, participate and publish in the following way:

  1. Register as a Virtual Presenter on the conference website. Upon payment of the registration fee, your attendance at the conference will be confirmed.
  2. Create your presentation video and upload it via the IAFOR Submission and Review System. The style of the video is up to you. Some delegates choose to record themselves presenting, while others convert a PowerPoint presentation into a video. Your presentation video will then be added to IAFOR’s Online Video Archive where it will remain indefinitely.
  3. Participate online by watching the dedicated live stream and by joining dedicated online conference sessions.*
  4. You are invited to submit your Final Paper to the Conference Proceedings (optional), which are archived and made publicly available on the IAFOR Research Archive, and indexed with an ISSN.
  5. You will then be sent a PDF copy of your Certificate of Presentation.

*This may vary depending on the conference.

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What is a Virtual Presentation?

For many academics, Virtual Presentations are an excellent option, particularly for presenters who are unable to attend a conference in person, as they enable authors to participate in the conference and provide all the same publishing opportunities using online technologies.

These are added to the IAFOR Online Video Archive before the conference begins, where they remain indefinitely. IAFOR provides timetabled discussion times that allow for real-time interaction between online and physical attendees during the published hours of the conference. This creates opportunities for interaction, knowledge transfer, and feedback in the form of questions and critique.

Online technologies expose us to new ideas, research and points of view, and virtual presentations are a welcome and modern addition to the conference experience. The virtual platform provides users with choice, access and an affordable means by which to interact with the wider academic community. Virtual Presentations aren’t a replacement for the traditional conference presentation experience but rather a modern, practical and effective alternative. They also serve to supplement the traditional model by providing more people with the opportunity to attend and participate.

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What are the Benefits of Virtual Presentation?

  1. Cost Effectiveness: Travelling to conferences, especially international conferences, is expensive. By cutting out all of the costs associated with attending a conference in-person, such as flights and accommodation, Virtual Presentations benefit those who must use their finances judiciously. This is particularly beneficial for researchers from low/low-middle income group countries.
  2. Environmentally Sound: It is vitally important, as custodians of our planet, that we consider the environment before making decisions to travel internationally. By attending a conference virtually, rather than in-person, researchers are reducing their carbon footprint thereby directly assisting in the fight against climate change.
  3. Global Reach: They make it possible for larger numbers of people to participate in a conference, which increases the size of the potential audience for the research. And, because Virtual Presentations remain online indefinitely, this reach is persistent and growing.
  4. Bridging Audiences: This technology gives participants the opportunity to come together in a virtual environment and engage in dialogue with an audience of their peers.
  5. Time-Efficient: This is especially beneficial for those who are overwhelmed with multifarious tasks at their places of work.

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Tips on Creating a Virtual Presentation

The style of the video is up to you. Some presenters choose to record themselves presenting, while others convert a PowerPoint presentation into a video. Please see Microsoft's help section for more information and guidance on this process.

Length: There is no restriction on the length of your video, but we recommend 15-20 minutes.
Format: We can accept the following file formats:■.MOV ■.MPEG4 ■.MP4 ■.AVI ■.WMV ■.MPEGPS ■.FLV ■3GPP ■.WebM
Compliance: All videos must comply with Vimeo's Copyright Policy and Content Restrictions Policy

Examples of Good Virtual Presentations

Examples of Good Virtual Poster Presentations

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